Sunday, February 2, 2014


When I saw it on Twitter with the hashtag "RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman" I honestly thought it was another hoax.  How many times have you logged on to Facebook or Twitter, or other social media, only to find the latest "RIP" post, which turns out to be false?  To check to see if it was true, I went to People. It is true.  Now, it doesn't really affect me at all.  Did I ever see his movies?  Probably like one or so, I'm not sure.  It's not that important.

But what is important is to remember that no one's life is a waste.  Whether the death is by themselves or someone else, or of natural causes, I repeat, NO ONE'S LIFE IS A WASTE.  Is it sad?  Yes.  Is it unfortunate?  Undoubtedly.  But, is it a waste?  No.  Whether he intentionally killed himself with too much illegal drugs, or whether he gave himself his "regular dose" so-to-speak & it happened to be too much for his body to handle any more, it is incredibly sad.  He had so much to live for, family & friends who loved him, and love him still.

What drives someone to do this?  It's different for everyone.  Someone has to be in a really deep, dark place to inject themselves with drugs, or take 166 ibuprofens in 5 hours, drink a ton of alcohol, and pray that they don't wake up.  The person may feel themselves that their life is a waste, but trust me, from the outside, they are most definitely not a waste.  Of anything.  And yes, I'm speaking from personal experience.  Sometimes I feel low like that, but I think I'm past the point of actually attempting to kill myself.  I am  1631 days OD-free.  It's been a hard 4 and a half years, it's a day to day struggle, but it hasn't been a waste.

If you or someone you know is in need of help, call 911, or use any of the resources below:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Live Chat
National Alliance on Mental Illness
To Write Love On Her Arms

You are important.  You are loved.  YOU ARE NOT A WASTE.